Organize daily house cleaning chores...

by Bethany Benson
(AZ, United States)

I took Fayola's suggestion to organize the daily cleaning chores and modified it to fit my own schedule.

I have a 1-2 hour block of time every day that I devote to cleaning while I listen to the radio:

Monday - bedroom (and laundry, which is, of course, spread throughout the day)

Tuesday - living and dining rooms

Wednesday - kitchen (though I take time to clean up after dinner every day)

Thursday - bathrooms (ready for the weekend and any company!)

Friday - household budget and general straightening up to enjoy the weekend.

This probably wouldn't work in a household with kids, but it's great while it's just me and my husband.

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Jul 01, 2011
Staying Organized

It really is so important to stay organized when you are doing the house cleaning. I think a lot of people get so wrapped up in daily life that they forget to do some of the chores that don't necessarily need to be done every day. Having a schedule like this is a great idea!

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