Get the Family to Work With a House Cleaning List

Making a house cleaning list is good way to involve all members of the family in household chores and tasks. Often children have a difficulty in understanding all the various chores that Mom's and Dad's do to keep the house looking great, so starting a list and teaching children and other family members exactly how cleaning should be done is important. The family can plan to celebrate together when all the chores are done.

Getting Children Involved

Children usually enjoy getting involved in household activities provided the tasks are not too overwhelming. By making a list to assist children in understanding what they need to do it will prevent a lot of the nagging that often accompanies housework. Start by going into each of the rooms of the house with the children. Sit down in the room and discuss each cleaning chore that occurs in the room. Ask the children how they think that this task is completed. Take the time to explain to the children how the chore is completed, and then ask the children to volunteer for the chores they would like to do.

By allowing the children to choose the tasks that they would agree to complete they will be more likely to complete the tasks. In addition make sure that the tasks are appropriate for the child. For example, a young child should not be completing tasks that use harsh cleaning compounds or involve reaching to high places or handling fragile household ornaments.

Plan to celebrate your clean house as a family. If family members understand that the housecleaning is going to be a group effort, they are more likely to pitch in and get to work.

Make Reasonable Schedules

If you are a constant cleaner you may have unreasonable expectations as to how often the various tasks in the home should be completed. Making a house cleaning list will help everyone understand the expectations. Generally vacuuming should be done two to three times a week in family areas and less frequently in less used spaces. Pets or play areas may require frequent cleaning.

Bathrooms, laundry areas and kitchen need to be kept clean to prevent mold and mildew growth and also for health and hygiene reasons. Keep surfaces clean and disinfected and as dry as possible on a daily basis. If poultry, fish or raw meats are being prepared in the kitchen all surfaces should be disinfected between preparing the meat and the vegetables or other items.

Dusting, moping and laundry is usually done as required depending on the number of people in the house and the activity level in the house. More activity and people in the residence usually leads to more dust and debris as well as more laundry.

Involving the whole family in developing house cleaning lists is a great way to ensure that nothing is missed and everyone participles in keeping the house looking wonderful...

: : House Cleaning List

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