7 Fun and Interesting House Cleaning Hacks To Get You Motivated
Use toothpaste and toothbrush to get rid of scuff marks on your walls.
Even though I have systems in place to get my house cleaning done regularly - sometimes I don't feel like doing anything at all.
At times like these I relax my cleaning structure and remind myself of what motivates me clean. Maybe these will work for you as well.
Throw two denture tablets in the toilet before bed. In the morning, just run your toilet brush around a few times and flush. Your toilet will be clean and fresh.
Use a little toothpaste to quickly remove crayon marks off painted walls. Just grab an extra toothbrush, add the toothpaste (a non-gel one), wet it a little and get to work brushing those marks of your painted walls.
Clean the bathroom after someone takes a bath or shower because the steam loosens the dirt, making cleaning easier.
Soaking your shower curtain in a salt-water solution, before you hang it, prevents mildew.
Carpet Stains - You will be amazed at how well baby wipes remove most carpet stains, such as blood or even motor oil.
Decals and Stickers - To remove decals and stickers from surfaces such as wood, glass and plastic, soak with vegetable oil. Leave this sit for a few minutes and rub off with a cloth.
When cleaning one mess don't make another one elsewhere. Very important. Be sure that when you're cleaning one space that you are not just moving stuff from one room to another. In the end, this will be like cleaning up the same mess over and over again. Big time waster!

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